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About Baked N' Boozy

    This bakery is about turning passions into a reality. When Annick and her family first moved from France to America back in 2008, they had trouble finding a taste of home in this new environment. The bread and baked goods proved disappointing as they sought authentic french baguettes, éclairs, and much more. Annick took it upon herself to settle that feeling of homesickness that was seeping through her family by using her passion to create delicious baked goods. 

She spent hours, days, and years cultivating her craft while her family taste tested anything she placed in front of them. And finally, with hard work and much dedication, Annick turned her passion into an expertise. Through the difficulties and failures, she learned to hone her gift, creating true and authentic French bread through fresh ingredients. 

Now, Annick is looking to share this taste with the rest of the world through her online baking store. Customers can get a small piece of France, just as Annick and her family craved years ago, right to their front door!

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